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Please accept my resignation as your hairdresser. [ thank you :) ]

change is.....

It has been one hell of a trip down a road that has become so very close to all that I am as a woman, but also a human having a place in the world. For 18 years my days were filled with making others feel beautiful from the outside in. But it is time to set out to find new adventures. As many of you know tarot popped in a few years back shortly followed by yoga. These combined have been the only foundations strong enough to pull me away from hairdressing. For reasons that will be made evident over the next few years. 

Here is the biggest THANK YOU to you! For the privilege you extended by booking every single cut & colour with me. You made being your ‘hair friend’ such an enjoyable working habitat. Without you guys there would have been no double decker bus hair salon or the OB studio. I will forever hold the memories that were shaped with you. Setting  this decision free has been one of the hardest in my life to date. Knowing fully how important a hairdresser really is in ones life. But rest assured you will find another fitting one, so no worries there.. If they don’t fit, just keep looking one will appear… (The end date is set for feb 14th 2025. Life is short… if you're going to do it you have to crack on.) 

This is not my last thank you or good bye as maybe our paths will cross over again one day… For now wishing you the most delusional dream making year you can fathom. 

As for my next steps… It will appear as Original Button evolves into a space to hold Life Attunements. A blend of yoga, tarot & reiki. High on the energy of life, fixed in the real world. Solving anything, with a smile & coffee as the extras. 

Share a smile & see you again soon., 

Ps. I'm always about! If you have any questions just drop a dm. 


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